Pencak Silat Tradisi Indonesia – The Documentary Film

Mojokerto, May 03, 2024

An exceptional collaboration between Kali Majapahit Indonesia and Balai Media Kebudayaan (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of The Republic of Indonesia) resulted in the production of “Pencak Silat Tradisi Indonesia,” a documentary series scheduled for release in August 2024. The series, directed by Lasja F. Susatyo, consists of seven episodes that explore the history and traditions of Indonesian martial arts from the Majapahit era to the present.

The shooting for the first episode took place at the Jedong temple, a historic Buddhist or Hindu temple complex on the north side of Mount Penanggungan in Mojokerto, East Java. Kali Majapahit Indonesia group leader Kasama Wulung Damardoto, accompanied by three students (Zaid Mudzaki, Anggela Wilmina, and Ricardo Rusto) and assistant instructor Ari Winarto, participated in the filming as a resource person.

Pencak Silat Tradisi Indonesia

Pencak Silat Tradisi Indonesia

Pencak Silat Tradisi Indonesia

Pencak Silat Tradisi Indonesia

The re-enactment of the abduction of King Jayanegara, the second ruler of the Majapahit kingdom, by 15 loyal warriors of the Bhayangkara legion (Majapahit elite forces), was filmed at the temple. Kali Majapahit Indonesia partnered with three other martial arts institutions Pamur, Bakti Negara, and Perisai Diri to bring this historical moment to life.

It is an incredible honor for Kali Majapahit Indonesia to be part of this project, and we eagerly awaits the release of the first episode of this amazing production.


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